Sunday, May 20, 2007


A CNN story about someone who was declared legally deceased and lost her bank accounts etc. reminds me of something. I have no intent to die any time soon, but one of the many mind games I've played is "what goes on your tombstone" So in the event of my death here's what you need to know.

If I'm on life support and there's a good chance I'll recover I have a year and a day. No more. If it gets to be one year and one day from when I entered catatonia then cut me off.

Prior to making any funeral arrangements everyone involved must watch the episode of Penn and Tellers "Bullshit" about the funeral business.

Cremation. Split the ashes into three piles. Scatter one to the wind locally. Scatter the other to the win in Israel, and sell the rest along with my skull to the more

I don't have anything of significant worth, friends/family can pick over my stuff. If two people get in to an active argument over some specific item then neither of them can have it. All liquid assets go towards buying a grave plot and a large stone marker.

What exactly I would have put on the gravestone is still undecided. If I die before I decide put it to a vote. Change the numbers as necessary. There are three candidates.

1: "Death is but a door time is but a window I shall return!"

2: "Max Willson

3: "AVENGE ME!!!"