Thursday, March 23, 2006


My most recent wandering was an interesting one. I mixed things up by leaving at 11 p.m., rather then a.m., and despite the fact that I was setting out on my own in a big city after dark, which is a really dramatic phrase, suprisingly little happened. I didn't bring my notepad, which may have been a mistake, but here's what I remembered.

Lets see... I saw a car crash. It was very disappointing. Horn, crack!, then they both pull over and talk it over like mature responsible adults, which is much less entertaining then it could've been, but probably better in the end.

I should go to trader Joes, the place looks good. Actually I should go Roosevelt street more in general. It's only 3 blocks west and it offers a variety of entertainment on par with the infamous Ave.

I saw a really cool hobo. He was playing on a drum set made of buckets liquor bottles and milk crates. Clever design and he was really good. It was like the mobile beat wagon picture I posted wayyy back, only this guy was local and a better drummer.

Hmm, they're conducting a test of the fire alarm system. A voice just said so over the P.A. That's not related at all to what I did last night, but it was a weird occurrence. And now the alarm is going off and I'm supposed to ignore it. It's annoying, but not a big deal. Hey! How long has Lander had a P.A. system? Hmm...

Back to last night... What else... Oh right, I saw a pair of homeless kids one of whom was leading a bike that said "Smoke me out" they passed by and each individually asked me for weed. They seemed nice, but it's not hard to tell why they're hobos.

A weed themed hobo, the one without the bike from the above snippet, told me I can make $20 and hour beta testing games. I don't' really trust him (he's a reefer themed hobo after all) but I'm looking into it anyway.

I saw Spare Some Change in a covinence store buying a sobe energy drink. It turns out that when he's not begging he's in the nearby stores buying food/drink etc. He speaks with the safeway staff in a way that suggests he's friends, or at least work friends, with most of them.

In that same convince store (Must resist urge to call it a Korean store, the place is really something right out of a stereotype handbook) I found caffeinated chocolates for sale. They're delicious.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

About that 20 dollars an hour beta-testing games...I've heard that too...from someone who's not a reefer themed hobo but a dedicated gamer.....apparently he does it in bellevue.....

Caffiene + Chocolate = Turbo Truffle?

1:51 AM  

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