Monday, April 10, 2006

The Council

I often analyze my own thoughts in terms of what I call "The Council." It's a group of usually 3, sometimes 9, and sometimes even more mental entities that serve as the grand allegory for my own thoughts.

The 3 key catagories are:

The Sanctified Legion. Lead by Sulfaras, a Paladin.
The Syndicate. Lead by Slyz, a trickster.
The Infinite Legion, Lead by Mobius, the Lich.

It's entirelly to easy to say that Sulfaras and Mobius are my good and evil sides while Slyz is just some other aspect of my personality, but those descriptions fail immenselly. You can understand each portion better if you subdivide further into 9 entities.


Name. Alighnment
Avatar Image.

The Sanctified Legion

Sulfaras. Lawfull Good.
A crusader of The Light. A champion of whats Right.
Prone to blind faith in established morality.

Meir. Chaotic Good.
Righteous Zealot
A fury of moral outrage. Fights against injustice in defense of the innocent.
Tend to get carried away. Lacks mercy.

Odehara. Lawfull Neutral
Imensely focused. Reminds me of my duties.
Dosn't take into account whether or not I'm enjoying it. Constant harsh devotion to duty.

The Syndicate

Slyz. Chaotic Neutral
Clever, rescourcefull, nearly immune to depression.
Loses his presence whenever I become stagnant. Slyz has to keep moving.

Gnizmo. Chaotic Good
Intellectually curious. Highly inventive. Good intentions
Bad things with good intentions, curiosity based compulsion

Ljtour The Lunatic. Chaotic Evil
Passionate, untireing, Focused.
Ravenous, Violent, borderline psychotic.

The Infinite Legion

Mobius. Chaotic Evil
Self reliant. Lacks Mercy.
Lacks Mercy. Arrogant. Universal Disdain.

Maxiumus Rex. Lawful Evil
Harsh Truth.
spiritually dead.

The Advocate. Neutral Evil
The Devils advocate
Can see key faults, and prevent disaster.


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