Monday, April 10, 2006


I was thinking about it and it dawns on me that I can only think of one person who didn't have some major anti-enlightenment activity. Nearly everyone here either drinks or does weed on a regular basis, in some cases both. I don't, but I funneled myself away into an online fantasy world, which to be honest might not be any better overall. In thinking seriously about this I can only find one person who didn't drink or use drugs, or have some massive timesink hobby. And Kevin was driven to a state of abysmal depression by being here, there's a reason he left after all.

Maybe it's a mistake to send people to college at the age of 18. College is about ultra focused learning. And don't start with that "oh, you don't need to pick your major right away" bullshit because it's either a blatant lie or the product of a gross misunderstanding of the system. I would have to have all of my classes from freshman and sophomore year be directed towards my major in order to apply for it junior year, the recommended time to apply. As it is I'm just barely going to be ready to apply to an engineering major junior year, and I only lost 1 quarter. Hell, if I decide in the middle of sophomore year to take a non engineering major I'll be stuck holding 20 useless credits.

The Time has come to decide and I just don't know. I long for the pain nulling embrace of my game, my 2 gig massively multiplayer online drug.

Consciousness sucks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Huh...I know we've discussed that fact before...but I just reallized something...not only do I not drink, do drugs or have any timesink activity....I end up dumping all my excess thought right back into doesn't go anywhere but back where it came from.....that's probably not healthy, eh?

7:39 PM  

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