Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Hours of entertainment

So I'm healthy as of mid day yesterday. I got an unreasonable amount of sleep, and woke up around 1 feeling fine. Better then average actually, becasue I'd just gotten a lot of sleep. Anyway, because I woke up that early I didn't take my concerta. I've found in the past that when you take it that late you'll tend to stay up too late, sleep in too late, and take it late again. Mom may recall a period over the summer where I was awake between hours of 3 p.m. and 4 a.m. every day for around a week.

I tend to learn lessons the hard way.

Anyway, I'm healthy, I'm caffinated and I'm off to my physics tutorial. Now before now I hadn't put too much stake in the "Max is A.D.D." pool. I thought I was mildly add and mildly biopolar. After that tutorial I have to put more points into the ADD pool though. You see the tutorial was about magnetic fields. I learned this last march in Spenner's class, so I wasn't properly intellectually stimulated. What I did find amazingly stimulating was cupping my hand, and placing three cylindrical magnets in it such that one was at the bottom, and the other two were up the walls of the cup. Furthermore I could pull one out, and the two remaining would form equilibrium, then I could replace the one I'd taken out anywhere, and the whole system would resume it's orgional equilibrium.

That's the long way of saying it. The shorter, and probably much more acurate way is "Non contact forces rule!" I did end up using the magnets as part of the tutorial every now and then, but I think I would've gotten a lot more done if they didn't use such fascinating visusal aids.

Or if they had someone to beat me with a newspaper when I screwed around. That would work at least equally well.


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