Saturday, November 05, 2005

The New Pentacle

This is the New Pentacle
These 5 things are all one in the same, and the process by which we change one from of this into another is the grand philosophical mercury that drives our society.

It's an image and a tool that I come back to more and more in my recent thinking. For example I'm currently in college

Parents use Money to give power to me
I time and the power that was given to me to get knowledge
I will later use time and knowlege to get money for myself.
This money will give me power, and that power will give me freedom.

I can show most aspects of society and life as a change from one of those things to another. One key thing to remember about this though is that happyness is not one of them. While this grand universal currency is a key to happiness, it alone cannot attain it.


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