Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The Rules of Anime

The thing about Asuka reminded me of something.

I'm not sure how many of you have yet been introduced to this, but as time goes by I'm copiling the bizzare psuedophysics that govern the anime world into a coherent list. The ones I already had were

1. Any attack is made stronger by performing the attack while Jumping and shouting the name of the attack

2. Every Family everywhere has in it's ancestory an ancient and powerfull/evil sword that can be called upon when necessary

3. The Katana is the ultimate melee weapon

4. The Katan is the ultimate Ranged weapon.

5. Potential is inversely proportional to age. A child always always has the power of an Angry God hidden within him. And either a dark loner character or some form of tragedy always unlocks that power just in time.

6. The protective value of armor/clothing for females is proportional to how much skin it shows

This next one occured to me while playing as Asuka against the computer, but It's true in almost all anime.

7. Every female at the age of 14 instantly develops 38D breasts which never cause any form of back problem and in no way inhibit her ability to perform Kung-fu

If I think of more I'll post them.


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