Thursday, April 20, 2006

I don't feel like writing a title

Think of this post as an upgraded form of Idle thoughts. It's a collection of half formed rants.

I'm in a mood that annoys me to no end. I'm bitter and moody and anti-social. I'm dismissive and bleak and spending too much emotion doing it. I'm Emo. Now if you don't already know, I freakin Hate Emo people. Correction, I hate emo guys, I still don't' like emo culture, but for some reason I'm yet to meet an emo girl I don't like. I'm also not fond of emo music. They're the unholy epitome of the abomination that is modern Goth. And yes, I know, I bear the trappings of Goth culture, and subscribe to a lot of Goth philosophy, but the key thing I have against the goths is that I understand it. I'm not being dark because I'm creating an image, I'm just dark. Actually, while I'm on it, I don't like goth music that much either.

The Predator rocks. I've been thinking more about it ever since my oblivion character gradually took on Predator like characteristics, but I just (in the past 2 hours) re-acquired the game Alien vs Predator, which predates the movie by several years BTW, and I remember why I liked the predator the most.

I don't think I've really gained anything by ditching CoV. I was able to delay for a full week before taking up another video game, but all I got was bored. Then I got a less satisfying replacement experience. I'll give the issue more thought before I take any action, but I-7 comes out soon, and there's a good chance I'll start playing again when it does.

I7 is a content update that adds mayhem missions, thugs masterminds, and electric brutes. All 3 of those things interest me.

I bought the gospel according to Juadas. It's a book I've wanted to read for... 5 years now. I remember thinking that the rest of the apostles were too quick to harass him when only 20 pages ago we were being told to always turn the other cheek, and a few chapters back there was that thing about judging not lest ye be judged, and it hasn't been more then 20 pages since we we're told not to cast the first stone. I haven't read it yet, but I'll let you know if I learn anything signifigant.


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