Wednesday, April 12, 2006


So if you hadn't guessed I'm a little behind this week. I really chose a bad time to have a bout of depression

Whoa whoa whoa. We didn't choose shit. It's not like we wake up one day and go, You know, I think today will be a hellish miasma of mental torpor.
Yeah, but you get the point.

In either case Monday was really bad timing. Midterms are upon me again, and don't worry I knew they were coming so I won't be able to say "well it caught me off guard" when I blow them. In either case I've delayed some (all) of my homework in order to study for the impending doom in the respective classes. This leads me to my physics tutorial yesterday. I was told by a person who had started the homework that a lot of the answers were zero because they dealt with perpendicular vectors. Well I just spent the last 40 seconds or so putting 0 in to every one of the answer slots on my physics homework and hitting submit. Unlike chem in physics you get an infinite number of potential submissions, so I don't lose anything by doing this. Also, I'm now 1/4 done with my physics homework. Don't you just love it when a group of deviants comes together to screw over the system in which they all work?

Go team.


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