Sunday, December 24, 2006

Written on the Walls

If the fundament is a projection of the collective conscious, rather then something that the conscious is subjected to, then it is created by The Lord God, because the collective consciousness is simply the surface of the source, and the source is God.

If it is a projection by God then it's motivation may be made clear. The projection is experienced from the infinite perspectives that make up the overmind, and hence make up God. All of reality as we know it, the Fundament, may simply be an effort by God to observe itself. If one is all things, and all things exist within oneself then where is there to look but within.

If this is true that the tendency of people who are spiritually inclined to look within themselves, and the cross cultural religious phenomenon of hearing God speaking from withing oneself is simply an extension of what the overmind itself is doing. The theory that these people are more sensitive to it is strengthened by this, because they feel the will of the all being.

Ultimately though the macro looks in on itself to see the micro, and the micros are all looking into themselves to see the macro. It is, as all things seem to be, cyclical.


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