Saturday, January 04, 2020

Post-Hardcore Gamer

Something I didn't appreciate as a kid; difficulty in video games is a spice.  Dark Souls is one of the greatest games ever made, but it only feels so good because it burns.  Bungie understood this.  Halo on normal plays like pretty much any other shooter of the era, with the benefits of level and weapon design that made the series good.  Halo on Heroic, as it was intended by the developer, has complex enemy AI that will try to flank you from cover, adapts to the weapon you're using, and knows when you've thrown your last grenade.  Even without changing any other mechanic that adds a level of intensity that you simply Can Not get from an easier game.  The hardcore push for more of this, but that's not how spices work.  The hobby needs variance.  There is nothing that compares with the perfect wasabi sting of Sekiro: Shadows die twice, but after a long day, with a tired mind, there is pure bliss in loading up Borderlands 3, and enjoying the perfect Mac 'n Cheese comfort of something easy. 


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