Saturday, November 05, 2005

The Ancient Maxonian Crusade

Now many of you may know that my most hated and most ancient enemy is The Sun. When I pick an enemy I aim high. I'm happy to report that 5 days ago the cowardly daystar vanished from my life and hasn't been seen sense. Victory for the Maxonian Royal Forces!

One thing less of you will know is that my second most hated enemy is gravity, and it's dark minion, The Stair. Now the stair has been a thorn in my side more then recently nowadays but I've grown stronger and hence able to readily defeat them. I've even taking to leaping down them by placing my hands on the rail and making one big jump with my body pivoting around my shoulders. It's as close to just jumping down the stairs you can get without having a fairly high chance of slamming your face into the wall.

While doing this recently I was reminded of the grand inadiquacies of my frail human body. It seems that repetative 300lb impacts on it's feeble knees cause those kness to go straight to jank.

So my normal progess down the stairs a few days ago which is normally a resounding series of booms as I hit the 6 landings on the way down was insteand a resounding series of 4 booms followed by a loud "Gnyeerk!" (thats the closest spelling possible in this feeble alphabet) and then a long series of Step, "ow", step "ow"s

I'm not in any major way injured by this. I can still walk fine, but gravity has truck a telling blow in our grand conflict. But the Maxonian Royal Army will not be stopped so easily! Fall back to the elevator and regroup.


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