Monday, January 23, 2006

Peircing the Veil

One of the things I’ve been meaning to do is record my various thoughts on religion. They’re numerous and plentiful, and highly disorganized. I think I’m the only one who really understands how I’ve arrived at my conclusions. I plan to post them here, because this has over time evolved into a way for me to communicate with my parents from college, into one of my many journals, and as such I no longer do this for the audience but to my own end whatever they may be. If anything I write offends you I offer no apology, and I would expect none from those whose views offend me. This is a matter of Faith, and Faith is the one thing that you’re supposed to do without a solid reason. Further posts on this subject, there will be many, will start with the phrase "Piercing the Veil" in their header.


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