Wednesday, February 22, 2006

A Modicum of achievement

I reached a new level of lazy today.

It was the natural conclusion of me staying up to study for a math midterm, then having a day where I had to get up early, do a math midterm, and then go to class again later that day. Then I slept poorly today, and went to class early.

That's not as bad as it sounds by the way, so don't get in a hitch about it.

In a hitch? Adopting a southern drawl now are we?
Shut up.

Anyway it was around 11:30 today that I reached this new state. I was tired, but not sleepy. Had homework, but no motivation. Content enough to not be bored enough to be driven to do anything. And hungry with a focus on chocolate or prepackaged junk food. I ended up lying on my bed reading comics and eating a Swiss cake roll. I call this new level of laziness, "Jabba the Hutt." Which leads me to the word.


Hutting: Being in a state of laziness powerful enough to render one similar in nature to Jabba the Hutt. Alternate phraseology: Pulling a Hutt, In a hutt.


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