Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Disturbing revelations

Do you know the futarama episode "The Problem with Pobblers"? Of course you do, anyway, there's a song in that episode, which I wasn't aware that I knew by heart. I was walking down the hall while someone was watching that episode and the song began, and I found myself falling right in line.

Pop, A, Pobbler in your mouth
when you come to fishy Joes
What they're made of is a mystery
where they come from no one knows
You can pick em you can lick em
You can chew em you can stick em
If you promise not to sue us you can shove one up your nose.

That was the first of my disturbing revelations.

"I'm sorry, but your card is cancelled."
"What? Why?"
"It's probably cancelled due to nonpayment."

This is most disturbing because some part of me was keenly aware that the Kid goes to college, becomes lazy, and lives a life of full dependency while offering little to satisfy the maternal/paternal instincts of the parents they're feeding off of. I like to think of it as the larval stage in which the human young becomes parasitic. It turns out that I have to commit some modicum of effort into maintaining the stability of the entity to which I'm playing lamprey.

What may be the most disturbing revelation though is that my only real backup plan is to go beg to my parents. I've run into troubles recently of various form, and in every case it was solved by me leaching off my parents. I feel bad about this in a way, but I'm much more disturbed by how illusory my own independence is. I had no illusions about the fact that I was still a full dependent, but the pure magnitude of that situation is only recently dawning on me.

None of these are necessarily bad things, but they're all disturbing in one way or another.

P.S. Where the hell is my cell phone? I can't for the life of me find it.


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