Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Idle thoughts

TO Be Spellchecked, you were warned.

I've thought several times about writing an actual post about the start of the new term, but I can't form a coherent narrative. Now we all know that's never stopped me in the past, but this time I find I can't even form a good rant. I just have thoughts floating in a vast limbo of existance. Here they are.

My psych class is well timed, waking up at 9:30 feels much more natural.

Every time I go to a class that is the first in a series the first day is always essentially an advertisement for the major that class represents.

The crowd that mills around in the hall before psych lectures is interesting. The millers before a math or physics lecture is a buch of people who are either nervous and jumpy about social situations, or chatting nervously in small pockets about the upcoming test. They're squirrelly. The millers in front of psych are much more normal people. They chat without any real point in a way which is soothing, and which I think is another anti-enlightenment activity. In this crowd I'm surrounded by normal socially balanced people, meaning that I'm as far from my peers as could be.

How are you're classes going Kevein? Huh? HUH!? Bastard.

I still hate math.

At least this quarter the worksheet portion of math is done in class. but in order to cancel out any joy I may have we now have a quiz every tuesday. DAMN YOU KALKULOSE!!!

When I saw the word "Electromagnetics" at the head of the physics web site it was like christmas morning. I'm finally through the bullcrap 18th century stuff. Newtonian mechanics haven't been new since Newton you punks.

I always forget how how annoying having a regular exercise schedule is until I'm on one.

I played DDR on light mode, I got a B overall rating, I thought I was doing pretty good. Then a Tiny TINY Asian guy comes up and gets a perfect on Crazy. I really need practice

I've been to safeway twice this month and haven't bought anything.

Next quarter, we should get the lowest meal plan, and put the diffrence between that and the premium onto my husky card so I can spend it at safeway.

If I draw two anime faces on my arm the person next to me in psych will draw word bubbles and the words "Dude!" and "Sup!!!"

Psych people look at you weird. Both the professor and the T.A.s They look at you in a way that is both a "I'm interested in you because I'm a friendly social person." way, and a "I'm intereseted in you specimen #0025721" way. It's not even something behind the eye, both are clearly present and obvious.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My...uh zero credit Nothing 101 is going really well....lecture is cancelled the whole quarter, the tests got lost and the homework webpage has been corrupted by hackers. It's good times.

I'm working at that machine shop though.....so I'm not just lying around all day....(though that would be nice)

Need Rice!

8:51 PM  

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