Friday, May 26, 2006

Power Source

I'm flipping through this weeks "The Stranger" a local alternative newspaper which I've found to be the best source of classifieds aimed at people in my income bracket. It's also a good paper on it's own, but that's a story for another time.

I think the Envelope people are screwing with me. How can they possibly afford to pay $5 per envelope stuffed. That's nuts. The job sounds good, too good, but it may also be mind numbingly insulating. I think I'd be better off with a job that forced me from my lair.

Oh! Internet data entry. Oh wait, no, that's exactly the same situation. It's suspicious for how much it pays and its bound to end up with me either A: Quitting because the job is soul crushing, or B: Making a fortune (from my POV anyway) then crashing because I've been doing data entry and watching stolen movie files of outdated TV shows for the last 30 continuous hours. There are other equally evil possibilities, but I shudder at the thought.

A key inhibitor in finding a job to get job experience is that everyone's looking for a worker who has experience. Doesn't anyone see the problem with this?! Come on people.

It seems that all of the jobs that are available to me are the menial jobs that I always see people in my socio-economic bracket doing. So why am I suprised? This is a titanic failure on my part. In either case, the nature of these jobs continues to be incompatible with my time delay stipulations.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.

11:53 PM  

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