Saturday, March 24, 2007

New Girl

I'm used to coming in around forty minutes early on Saturdays because J used to be the one working the shift before me, and he was inevitably itching to leave. It worked out fine, he got to leave early, and I continued my campaign of nickle and dimeing the hourly wage system. However we have a new employee, we'll call her T. T is a well meaning student who, as far as I know, doesn't engage in the baccian lifestyle that J does. She's also new, so she's still a little bit unsure of herself.

Since I came in an hour early today, and because she isn't part of the unspoken agreement J and I have, she was confused. I may have done more harm then good when I explained that I have to come in early because of the bus schedules, and that if she wants to leave early I can cover the front desk for the last twenty minutes or so. My concerns about corrupting the poor new girl are easily sedated by the fact that for the next twenty minutes I'm getting paid to sit around reading webcomics. No one comes in between 10:30 and 11.


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