Wednesday, January 28, 2009


-I'm reading a book right now called Culture Jam. I'm only fourty or so pages in, but so far it's amazingly interesting and speaks to a concern that I've been having recently and will discuss later. The thing is that this book is about fighting consumer culture. It's about the capitalist world poisoning us, and when I'm not reading this book I'm marking my place with the same thing I used to mark my place in the last book I read. A one dollar bill.

-Given the size and shape of bookmarks I've never understood how a bookmark could cost more then a dollar. Why would I exchange one piece of paper which also enters into the Eidos of worth for a piece of paper that doesn't.

-We did a practice run of exam seating today in one of my classes. My exam seat is very front, all the way to the left, and normally only one girl sits there. She sits there because she's deaf, and the signing team does their stuff right in front of those seats. It's a really good thing that I don't sit there every day, because I spent most of the lecture trying to read what I already knew he was saying in the sign language.

-I mentioned once the problem of words being read fine when spelled with their internal letters out of order. This was a problem back then because I was just being introduced to the word Causal, and kept reading that certain sociological effects were found to have casual relationships. Proofreading this post I find that I have to add signing and singing to that list. This problem probably doesn't come up very often though. There's not a lot of overlap between signing and singing, except of course Karaoke for the deaf.


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