Thursday, March 16, 2006

Spare some change

There used to be a guy in front of safeway who would always say "Spare some change" as you walked by. I usually gave to him.

He's imporant because he was one of the only constants in my life. He was a little detail that I could always rely upon to be there. I've been there at 6 a.m. and seen him, so too have I been there at 2 a.m. and seen him. I mentioned him to my father when he was visiting on our way to safeway, and that was the first time I'd been there when he wasn't.

He hasn't been back since.

Part of me thinks I may have dispelled him by mentioning him as a constant, but that's got the clear counterargument that I've mentioned his consitincy to Kevin before and he wasn't banished then.

I'm not sure what my point is here. It could be a lesson on teh value of the little things, or maybe on the importance of a constant in your life, but most of all he was an intersting bit player in the grand theatre of my life, and now his role is unfilled. I lament the loss.


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