Friday, March 30, 2007

Level 5

So I'm 20 today. I'm now officially not a teenager, but to be honest it doesn't feel that much different. I feel like I should be applying the Big Scary Number theory to this, but it just isn't clicking.

For those of you who aren't familiar BSN theory states that things happen more dramatically and significantly at times marked by numbers that are uncannily even.

The one thing that does occur to me is that I'm now level 5 in the levels game. This is another game of putting D&D mechanics over the real world. The rules are simple and loose, and I'll give you the gist of them. You get one level for each four years your alive. You can only choose NPC classes, since in theory none of us are truly heroic, and I play with one additional rule concerning the scholar NPC class. This rule is that for passing certain points you have to have a level in scholar. You get one for completing Elementary school, one for high school, and one for each degree you get. Middle school, as we all know, is just a holding pen they throw you in while you go through the worst phases of puberty. A quick example of this rule, my brother would have three levels of scholar since he has a bachelors degree, while my father Professor Willson would have at least 5 levels of scholar since he has Elementary school, high school, Bachelors Masters and a PhD.

Before now I had listed myself as thus

2 Scholar
1 Scout (reflecting my eagle scout experience)
1 Adept (the NPC spellcasting class, reflecting my mystical bent)

And reflecting on what I've gained from Project Exodus I'd say that I've gained another level of Adept. I have more to say on the mystical bent, but I'm not properly motivated to write it out right now.


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