Monday, May 01, 2006

Patron Saint

I wasn't going to have to stay up late or wake up early to study for the exam this time. I studied earlier, it was a clear sign of progress, and I was going to get a good nights sleep before the test for once.

3 a.m. I wake up very sharply and am keenly aware of two things.

1) If I don't get to the restroom now I'm going to need new sheets and a bottle of febreeze
2) I'm not wearing any pants, and I have to walk the entire hall to get to the restroom.

It's amazing that something can actually take priority over painful diarrhea. I got back to sleep after that incident, but here it is, 4:17 and it's happened again. Judging by how much sleep I lost from the last incident and the fact that I spent 4-4:17 trying to get back to sleep I don't think sleep is on the adgenda any time soon.

Oh well, Chapter 6. States of Conciousness...


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