Monday, February 06, 2006

Boredom = Creativity - Reason

I was poking around in my D&D book and I thought about making a monk. Chok-a-kahn of the Wu-Tang school of martial arts. I kept thinking of diffrent ways I could form Wu-Tang clan lyrics into bits of wisdom.

Other party member: You know 'kahn, you're awfully quick to loot for someone who dosn't use much gear.
Chockakahn: True, but the Wu-Tang teaches the value of material wealth. For is it not written "Cash rules everything around us. Cream, get the money, dolla dolla bill yall"?

Sentient NPC Enemy: Fools! you shall all die
Chockakahn: This one has much to learn in the ways of fear. For is it not written "Wu Tang clan ain't nothin to fuck with?"

Other party member: Hey! 'kahn get back here!
Chockakahn: Your courage will be the death of. Are we not taught that "It's real on the streets son, gotta protect ya neck"

Time spent without enough motivation to do any work, but with an excess of D&D books and newly pirated Wu-Tang music.


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