Tuesday, February 07, 2006

More Idle Ranting on a subject that will not release me

What ever happened to being a pharmacist? I like the idea when I think about it, and while I’m not sure how good the money is it seems like a job that should pay well.


it doesn’t require much more math then I already have, a lot of science in the chemistry and biology fields. I like it, add it to the infinite maybe pile.

I’m also thinking about politics again. I flirt with the idea of aspiring to some political position every now and then. The key problem is that I’m not sure how one achieves it. Being politically minded, and being involved with your local party are certainly key things, but degree wise it’s unclear. The obvious answer is political science, but if it really is more of a ladder thing I may be better off being a clerk with a law degree and clawing my way up from there.

One thought that does seem constructive is that if I do stick with the sciences it’ll probably be in a less mechanical field. Biology or neurochemistry. I feel like adding psychology to that list but it seems like something that hasn’t quite passed the bar of being definitively a science. Not purely an art form, but not quite science. Grey area.

I also still think the thing I’d enjoy most would be writer, but I’m just too much of a cynic to be an English major. Every time I think about that the part of me that’s responsible for keeping a harsh truth world view just laughs at me.


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